Mission, Vision, and Values
The Lake Tahoe Regional Fire Chiefs Association was established on August 13, 1968 and is a voluntary, non-profit 501(c)3 organization representing fire departments in the Lake Tahoe area. The Association’s Executive Fire Officers represent a variety of agencies including federal, state, city, county and fire protection districts in both California and Nevada. The Association works collaboratively on regional issues relating to the delivery of fire, rescue, and emergency medical services. While we represent public agencies, we do not receive any tax funding, nor are we required to have such an Association. We do it because of what we value, as described below.
OUR VISION - What We Aspire to Be
As an organization, we work together to leverage our resources and expertise to be on the leading edge of our profession. We are actively engaged in fire service trends and the political forces that affect the welfare of our communities.
OUR VALUES - What We Believe in and How We Behave
Regional Cooperation- we achieve this through our automatic and mutual aid agreements, by working together and supporting one another, by maintaining open lines of communication, and through the development of professional relationships and innovations that benefit the entire region.
Professionalism- we recognize the value of state and national standards, continuing education, training, and cooperation.
Credibility- we value the trust our communities place in our respective agencies and collectively strive to maintain this trust through honesty, integrity, fairness, respect, and public transparency.
1. Update Bylaws
• Status of nonprofit- Work with an attorney to determine and update our non-profit status. Complete this goal by December 2017- Assigned to Chief Sommers and Meston (Completed)
• Membership dues- Discuss with the group the membership dues and determine what we spend money on, this should include member recognition (retiring fire chiefs, the annual summer BBQ, and the annual Installment dinner of the new officers)- to be completed by November 2017
• Frequency of meetings- Discussion of the organization, completed by September 2017
• Committees review/revise- What committees and or subsections are relevant to the organization- part of Fire Chief’s doodle poll- July 2017(Completed)
• Minutes storage of documents-work with NTFPD on website
• Chiefs expectations-Conduct a doodle poll to Fire Chiefs- completed by July 2017 (Completed)
2. Parent Body Lake Tahoe Regional Fire Chiefs Association
• XTB Define and refine(policy manual updated)- Ongoing
• Mutual aid/auto aid agreements- Complete before June 2017
• Implement electronic notification methodology by June 2017 (Completed)
• Sections- determine if there is the will and the staffing to have specific sections to include prevention, training, operations- Complete prior to December 2017
3. Training
• Standards for LTRFCA (NWCG and CICCS) - Complete prior to December 2017
• Regional Efforts-Serve as a sponsor for Fire Shows West- ongoing
• Expertise-ongoing
• Develop instructors-ongoing
• Host a professional development program- Complete prior to December 2017
4. Strategic Planning Cycle (tied)
• Define cycle of updates, establish time frames, and follow through – January 2018
5. Legislative involvement (tied)
• Define what this would mean to both Calif and Nevada, complete prior to December 2017
6. Technology
• Awareness- ongoing
• PPE\rehab-ongoing
• Health and safety-ongoing
• Communications – Implement Resgrid June 2017
• Website-reminders, calendar- NTFPD- December 2017
• Document storage-NTFPD- December 2017
7. Grants coordination
• Revisit in 2018 plan